Legitimerad psykiatrisjuksköterska
inkl familjeterapi steg 1 och 10 veckors praktik på behandlingshemmet Hasselakollektivet
(Vårdhögskolan, Göteborg 1984)
Diplomerad psykodramaterapeut
7-årig utbildning till gruppterapeut:
Grundutbildning till psykodramaassistent
(Psykodramaakademien Stockholm 1991)
Vidareutbildn till psykodramaterapeut
(Anne Ancelin Schützenberger, Uppsala psykodramainstitut 1999)
(She is founder of the Anne Ancelin Schützenberger International School of Transgenerational Therapy) (France) Anne developed the main concepts of Psychogenealogy and her clinical and academic experience is focused on Transgenerational Transmission. She is one of the main pioneers in the field of transgenerational therapy. Anne is Professor Emeritus in at the University of Nice, France. She was trained in psychodrama by J. L. Moreno and by Jim Ennis in the United States; in group-dynamics and psycho-sociology with Kurt Lewin’s group, Leon Festinger and Ronald Lippitt. Anne has over 40 years of experience as a therapist and analyst and is a well-respected authority, particularly in the field of Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama. Anne trained, conducted groups and lectured in psychogenealogy, psychodrama, nonverbal-communication, group-psychotherapy until her death in 2018 at 99 years old.
Diplom i Dans- och rörelse som terapeutiskt verktyg
1-årig utbildning för
Nita Gyllander leg. psykoterapeut, dansterapeut
Monika Thelin leg. psykoterapeut, dansterapeut
www.dansterapi.nu (Stockholm 2011)
Helgkurs september 2011 med Caroline Myss: Anatomy of the Soul – exploring our seven levels of Sacred power http://myss.com
Två dagars kurs i Somatic experiencing med Urs Rentsch på Mittuniversitet Östersund:
March 22nd and March 23rd 2023 Urs Rentsch (psychiatrist in private practice in Olten, Switzerland) introduction to
Somatic ExperiencingSomatic experiencing is a body oriented intervention for individuals suffering from trauma and stress related symptoms. The intervention is based on a psychobiological model of resilience and assumes that exposure to stressful experiences can lead to persistent dysregulation of the nervous system, resulting in chronically increased stress responses. The primary goal of somatic experiencing is to diminish these increased stress responses and to increase affected individuals’ emotion regulation capacities. To achieve this, clients are trained to gradually reduce symptoms of arousal by increasingly tolerating and accepting inner physical sensations and related emotions and by activating internal and external resources (e.g., identifying bodily sensations or memories that are associated with a positive and reassuring feeling). During the past years, there has been growing interest in the application of this approach by practitioners from different fields (including but not restricted to social workers and psychologists) and there is emerging evidence for its effectiveness in treating trauma related symptoms (Bisson et al., 2020; Kuhfuss et al., 2021).
Deltagande i USA´s största Psychotherapy networker symposium:
The colors of tomorrow – Expand your vision for the future of your practice
Washington DC, 25-30 mars 2015
Workshops och föredrag med bl.a:
JON KABAT-ZINN – skaparen av mindfulness-metoden:
Let the Beauty We Love Be What We Do
What Really Works in Couples Therapy: Myths and Realities
The 10 principles of effective couples therapy
Find your dancing spirit
The New Rules of Love and Commitment
Keeping the inspiration alive
Breaking the vicious cycle in couples therapy
Imagining Tomorrow: Healing and Hope in the Human Age
Freeing The Body and Awakening The Mind
Studierektor Umeå universitet:
Ylva Semelius ylva.semelius@icloud.com
Ansv psykoterapi-utbildn Steg 1:
Eva Johansson-Lönnqvist joneva71@hotmail.com
Dr Christl Kampa-Olsson tel 070-317 66 02 Christl.Kampa@feelgood.se
Vd Företagshälsovården Commodia/Feelgood:
Karin Englund-Mäki Karin.Englund.Maki@feelgood.se
Dr Ingrid Willén email: sqd647h@gmail.com
AF Jämtland: Anders Byström email: anders@bipu.se
Några av de lärare som gästat Älvhöjden och betytt mycket för mig är:
Ulla Hörsta, Stockholm (1919-2014)
En mycket erfaren och varmhjärtad psykolog som handlett mig genom åren (1995-2010). Hon hade speciellt fördjupat sig i barnpsykologi och drömtolkning.
Medicine Story, USA (1929-2018)
Manitonquat, also known as Medicine Story (born July 17, 1929), is a storyteller and claims to be a keeper of native lore of the Wampanoag Nation of Massachusetts and also to be the ceremonial medicine man of the Assonet Band. These claims, as well as his claim to Native American ancestry, have been heavily disputed. An author of eleven books, he has been a part of the North American Indian Spiritual Unity Movement and co-founder of the Tribal-Healing Council. Medicine Story is a member of the Association of Humanistic Psychology and a teacher of re-evaluation counseling.He tours yearly in Europe and in the United States, speaking on the value of the Native American point of view. Three ideas that appear often in his talks and writing are those of mutual love and respect, meeting in circles and respect for all creation.
Asger Lorentsen, Danmark (1947-2012)
Han var cand. mag. i religion og historie. Det meste af sit liv arbejdede Asger som foredragsholder, underviser og forfatter af spirituel litteratur. Han var en pioner i åndelig samfundstænkning og har skrevet en lang række bøger om åndelig udvikling. I alt skrev han 25 bøger om spirituel udvikling og verdenstjeneste. den sidste udkom i 2012 og hedder: ”Indvielse i menneskehedens fremtid”. Betydningen af hans litteratur er vi først nu begyndt at ane. Han var en stor og ydmyg tænker.